1."Black Cover", a collection of original concrete poetry, published in 1967. 2."Concrete Poetry", an English version of the "Black Cover", also published in 1967. 3."That Child", poetry published in 1969. 4."Tao-Chi: The Great Philosopher of Art", translation work and article written on the great Chinese thinker, published in 1967. 5."Tao Tih Ching by Lao Tsu", translation, elaboration, and selected articles written on the subject, published in 1972. 6."Orange Colour", Poetry, published 1973. 7."Mother & Child", Poetry, published in 1972. 8."Past Images", Poetry, published in 1974. 9."Chinese Poetry", translation of selected Chinese poetry, published in 1974. 10."Ah Q by Lu Zun", translated from the original Chinese version into Thai, published in 1975. 11."The Dawn", poetry, published in 1985. 12."Wide Open Sky", poetry, published in 1986. 13."New Day", a collection of poetry and short stories, published in 1986. 14."That Child II", poetry, published in 1987. 15."An Art Diary", a collection of poetry and drawings/paintings, published in 1987. 16."The Universal Truth of Taoism by Lao Tsu", translation, elaboration, and articles written on the subject, including some selection of drawings/paintings, published in 1987. 17."A Tranquil Garden", poetry. 18."Tranquillity", poetry. 19."Kathakodha, the one who spreads the words of Dharma", poetry. 20."The Dharma Poetry". 21."Concrete Poetry". 22."Short Stories". 23."Article on Art", own writing. 24."Article on Art", translated work. 25."Article on Literary Works", own writing. 26."Article on Chinese History and Ancient Chinese Philosophies", translated work. 27."Taoism for M.S.5 Levels (Secondary School)", translated into simplified form, with some elaboration, and selected articles on the subject. 28."Zun Wu The Art of War", translated work. 29."Han Sun"s Poetry", translated work. 30."Past Images II", poetry. 31."Wei Lang", translation with some elaboration. 32."Juang Jeh", translation with some elaboration. 33."The Three People"s Principles" based on Dr. Sun Yat Sen" historic speech, translation and elaboration. 34."Poems for Father, Mother & Children", poetry. 35."Poems on Society and Community", poetry. 36."Some suggestions and explanations on my approach to poetry", peotry and articles on the subject. 37.Others. |